3 FAQs – Truck Accident Lawyers

What Are Common Injuries From Truck Accidents?

Multiple Broken and/or Crushed Bones

Truck crashes can be immensely powerful and often lead to serious injury or death. Bones can be easily broken or crushed in such accidents when compared to crashes involving other motor vehicles. In more severe cases, bones can be crushed and become irreparable, which can result in amputation.

Deep Cuts

Severe lacerations and cuts from truck crashes can be especially painful and leave huge scars that can disfigure injured victims.

Neck and Back Injuries

These can include minor neck aches and pains or more severe injuries, such as dislocated spinal discs. Since the neck and back are essential to everything we do, these injuries often prevent injured victims from working and going about their daily lives.

Internal Injuries

These are very hard to treat since blunt trauma from severe crashes can result in internal bleeding to vital organs like the liver, lungs, heart, bladder, spleen, pancreas, etc.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Any kind of injury to the spine can be devastating because it can cause paralysis. Severe spinal injuries will require lifelong care and many adjustments to the injured victim’s way of living.

Head and Brain Injuries

Head trauma from truck crashes can also damage the brain and cause life-altering effects, such as loss of motor and cognitive functions. Sadly, some injured victims will need medical care for the rest of their lives.

How Much Compensation Can I Recover in A Georgia Truck Accident Claim?

Financial compensation for truck accident claims is usually higher than compensation for other motor vehicle claims because of two main reasons. One, trucking is a dangerous business, which means that trucking companies have higher auto insurance limits. Two, victims injured in truck crashes usually face more catastrophic injuries and life-altering consequences so more compensation is required to make them whole for all of their losses.

However, the real value of your truck accident claim will depend on the specific damages you incurred due to your injuries. Generally speaking, you may be entitled to recover compensation for past, present, and future medical expenses, lost income, diminished earning capacity, pain and suffering, permanent injuries, disfigurement, and other damages including punitive damages if the actions of the truck driver or their employer were particularly reckless or malicious.

If the accident resulted in a loved one’s death, you can recover wrongful death damages for the full value of the life that was lost in addition to funeral costs, lost future wages and benefits, and pre-death medical expenses and pain and suffering. It’s best to discuss your case with a Cumming, GA truck accident attorney who can better estimate what your case may be worth and the types of damages that may be available to make you whole for your losses.

When Should I File a Truck Accident Lawsuit?

In Georgia, the statute of limitations for filing a truck accident lawsuit is two years. This also applies to wrongful death lawsuits. The filing deadline or time limit means that injured victims have a specific window of time to file their personal injury lawsuits following the accident that caused their injuries. If you fail to negotiate an appropriate settlement prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations, you will be barred from bringing an action against the at-fault party and you will not be able to recover for your losses.  Do not let this happen to you.

If you have suffered injuries in a truck crash, you should talk to an experienced Cumming, GA, truck accident lawyer today about your case. Waiting too long to take action can disqualify you from obtaining the compensation you deserve