What does a divorce lawyer do?

If you’ve been thinking about getting divorced, it’s important to know that the process is long. There are many steps involved, and they can go wrong if not handled correctly. For example, what if your spouse wants nothing to do with their children? Or what if their new partner wants custody of the kids? A good divorce lawyer will help protect your interests and ensure these problems don’t happen.

A lawyer can help you file your divorce petition or complaint and advise you on the legal process.

  • A lawyer can help you file your divorce petition or complaint (in some states) and advise you on handling the many issues that follow this initial step in the legal process.
  • If filing a divorce petition is not possible for one reason or another, it’s best to consult a lawyer before taking any other action toward ending your marriage – whether this means dividing assets or custody of children, filing for bankruptcy protection, etc., because there may be steps which require legal representation when they’re first taken without one being present as well as during subsequent stages of litigation if necessary.

Your lawyer will draft your separation agreement (a key part of the divorce process that spells out how assets are divided).

Your separation agreement is a legal document that spells out who gets what assets, including property and money. It’s part of the divorce process, so you must prepare it before filing for divorce.

Your lawyer will draft your separation agreement based on each spouse’s information in their case materials; these include financial statements, tax returns and other documentation from both sides.

Your lawyer will also help negotiate with your spouse’s lawyer over any agreements not yet finalized when they meet to discuss settlement options at mediation or arbitration hearings (discussed below).

In most states, courts require couples seeking a divorce to attempt mediation before proceeding to trial before a judge to make sure both parties are satisfied with their settlement agreements before filing for divorce.

Mediation is a process in which mediators assist the parties in reaching an agreement about their divorce. It differs from arbitration, where only one party may participate. In mediation, both spouses are present and involved at all times during the process. The mediator works with each person individually to help them understand their own needs and goals for their future together and those of their spouse/partner/spouse-to-be (if applicable).

When it’s time for mediation, you’ll meet with your lawyer first to discuss what kind of settlement you’d like—and then talk about how much money each side should receive based on what they’ve done financially during this marriage or relationship period. This can be done through negotiation or by using one of many pre-printed templates available online; however, you choose your method depends entirely on how comfortable each party feels speaking directly with one another without lawyers present!

Once you know you want a divorce, contact a lawyer to begin the process.

The best way to find one is through referrals from others who have used their services and online reviews. You can also ask friends or family members if they know any attorneys that might be right for your situation, but this is more likely to yield negative results than positive ones (because we all tend to think our problems are unique). If you choose this route, make sure those referrals come from people who live near where they practice so they can meet face-to-face with potential clients instead of only communicating via email or phone call.

If you’re thinking about divorce, it’s important to know the legal steps involved and make sure that you have representation to help guide you through them. A reputable NYC divorce lawyer can help explain what needs to be done in your case, provide advice on how best to handle certain issues (such as child custody), and negotiate settlements with your spouse’s lawyer so everyone feels satisfied with their agreement before any court action occurs.