A Certification of Rehabilitation = Employment opportunities to pursue – All Floridians

Being convicted of a misdemeanor or felony can have a lasting damaging impact on your life. You won’t only lose some vital civil rights, but it will also be difficult or impossible for you to take advantage of the opportunities available to people without criminal records. However, if you are looking to move past your criminal history and restore your standings, there are a couple of options available to you, one of which is the Certificate of Rehabilitation.

What Is A Certificate of Rehabilitation?

This is a court order declaring that an individual is now obeying the laws of the land and displaying good moral character since he or she was convicted of a crime. While getting a certificate of rehabilitation doesn’t clear you from your criminal records the way an expungement does, getting a certificate provides worthwhile advantages that people with a criminal record should know about, such as employment and career opportunities.

A Certification of Rehabilitation = Employment Opportunities to Pursue

One of the most difficult challenges that people with a criminal record face is getting a job. In Florida, prospective employers will likely ask if you have a criminal history. Sadly, you will have to answer “Yes,” to this question, and it may limit your chances of getting hired. Besides, most employers run criminal background checks which allow them to be more selective in who they are willing to hire.

While getting a Certificate of Rehabilitation still means you’ll still have to respond to your felony conviction, you can present your certificate to your potential employer as evidence that you have made a sincere effort to turn a new leaf and be worthy of consideration. Plus, you’ll no longer be automatically denied a professional license for careers such as a contractor or nursing once you get the Certification of Rehabilitation.

Criminal Background Checks: What You Need to Know

Employers may use criminal background checks to evaluate whether you are trustworthy or may potentially pose a threat to the company and other employees. These checks also protect company assets, mitigate risk and help them avoid potential negligent hiring lawsuits. Depending on the kind of criminal background check requested, the record may search Department of Justice (DOJ) and/or FBI databases to provide information about your criminal history.

You may get criminal background check results within a few hours or days, depending on the criminal record required and the type of background check service utilized. The fastest way to get criminal background check results is through live scan fingerprinting technology – this is an inkless process of capturing your fingerprints in a digitized set-up and then electronically transmitted to the DOJ and/or the FBI database.

With the traditional fingerprinting method, fingerprints were captured by applying ink to each finger; then, your finger will be rolled on a fingerprint card. The problem with this method is that it is inherently messy and prone to capturing poor image quality. With live scan fingerprinting, you can receive criminal history responses within a matter of hours. If you are searching for Florida livescan fingerprinting near me, Certifix makes criminal background checks easy.


While your criminal record will still show up on your criminal background checks, you’ll be able to inform your potential employers that you have been declared rehabilitated by the court because you have been a law-abiding citizen since completing your sentence. However, keep in mind that in order to get a Certificate of Rehabilitation, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. You may want to speak to an experienced Certificate of Rehabilitation attorney to find out if you’re eligible to apply. In addition, you may also want to conduct a criminal background check to see what is on your record.